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Равель Жозеф Морис

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Равель Жозеф Морис
1 CD-MP3
Под заказ
3999 руб.
Упаковка: Jewel Битpeйт: 256 kbps Bpeмя: 356

Фирма: РМГ Рекордс

Артикул: CDVP 3591473

Хит продаж
1 CD-MP3
Под заказ
3999 руб.
Упаковка: Digi Pack Битpeйт: 256 kbit/s Bpeмя: 360 мин.

Фирма: РМГ Рекордс

Артикул: CDVP 3591388

Хит продаж
1 CD
Под заказ
3999 руб.
This collection, the first of three volumes by Duo Sonidos, unleashes a wellspring of exciting new transcriptions culled from the rich repertoire of vocal and violin chamber music, previously deemed unthinkable on the guitar. This colourful mosaic of 20th-century music, from Rodrigo’s affectionately lyrical Cuatro canciones sefardíes to John Williams’ haunting theme from the film Schindler’s List, unveils the hidden world of charm and intimate expressivity provided by Gregg Nestor’s skilful and sensitive arrangements

Фирма: Naxos Classics

Артикул: CDVP 3590342

1 CD
Под заказ
4999 руб.
The music of Ravel begins and ends this recital by Chun Wang, winner of the 59th Jaén International Piano Competition in 2017. The virtuoso magic of Jeux d’eau is balanced by the dazzling beauty and wit of the Concerto in G major. Two vividly contrasting examples have been selected from William Bolcom’s Pulitzer Prize-winning 12 New Etudes, whilst Bartók’s Out of Doors suite remains one of the 20th century’s most imaginative keyboard masterpieces. The mandatory work at the competition was Bonnín de Góngora’s Fantasía Jiennense, a vivacious piece based on folk songs from Jaén.

Фирма: Naxos Classics

Артикул: CDVP 3585440

1 CD
Под заказ
5999 руб.
Composer: George Gershwin; Composer: Maurice Ravel; Artist: Goldstone and Clemmow Label: Divine Art

Фирма: Divine Art

Артикул: CDVP 3585395

50 CD
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Artist: Seiji Ozawa Label: Deutsche Grammophon

Фирма: Deutsche Grammophon

Артикул: CDVP 3585221

Хит продаж
3 BR
Под заказ
9249 руб.
This special collection from The Royal Ballet includes nine of Frederick Ashton’s most loved short ballets, which showcase the range of his style. The pure classical perfection of Symphonic Variations is contrasted with the light-hearted exuberance of Voices of Spring. Both are complemented by the passion and drama of Marguerite and Armand and the romance and comedy of The Two Pigeons and The Dream. The collection is completed by Rhapsody, La Valse, Monotones and Méditation from Thaïs, four of the most iconic abstract works created by The Royal Ballet’s founding choreographer. "...a bill which revealed the variety of the Royal’s founder choreographer from the perfumed sway of La Valse, to the lyrical loveliness of the Thais pas de deux, and the audacious joy of Voices of Spring. Monotones I and II, on the other hand, show his geometric modernism and his ability to conjure a kind of mysterious beauty by the simplest of means... the performances throughout the evening made the choreography look as fresh and important as ever." (The Daily Telegraph) "Frederick Ashton's 1962 ballet is swooningly romantic and unashamedly old fashioned. The Parisian artist's garret setting might be a cliche but the action is alive with invention. What begins as a comic ballet glides imperceptibly into a more serious realm as the two immature lovers come to terms with erotic distraction and locate the adult within themselves. Ashton's birdlike steps, with flapping elbows and nodding heads are sharp and funny at first as the dancers shake a tail feather across the stage before softening and stretching into gestures of greater poignancy." (The Stage - The two Pigeons 5 Stars)

Фирма: Mark Records

Артикул: CDVP 3583930

13 CD
Под заказ
9922 руб.
Kirill Petrovich Kondrashin was born in Moscow on March 6, 1914, just before the fateful start of the First Word War. Little Kirill grew up in a musical family: his Jewish mother was a violinist from Riga, his father played the viola. The boy’s piano lessons began at an early age. We know little of the family’s fortunes in the period after the Bolshevik Revolution, but the teenage Kondrashin was able to study music theory with Nikolay Zhilyoyev (1881-1938).The Russian composer, musicologist and educator had learnt his trade from Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov (1859-1935) and Sergey Taneyev (1856-1915) and was a strong formative influence on his talented pupil. This is Kondrashin’s laconic summing-up of his “art of conducting”: 'Ultimately conducting is simply about making one’s own intentions intelligible to a hundred musicians and letting them play their part in them'. How much tragedy, drama, joy or fulfilment lay behind that aspiration was known only to Kirill Kondrashin himself.

Фирма: Profil

Артикул: CDVP 3583746

1 CD-MP3
Под заказ
3999 руб.

Фирма: РМГ Рекордс

Артикул: CDVP 3580066

Хит продаж
1 CD
Под заказ
4999 руб.

Фирма: Нет даных

Артикул: CDVP 3566753

Хит продаж
1 CD-MP3
Под заказ
3999 руб.
Морис Равель - французский композитор-импрессионист, выдающийся дирижер и реформатор музыки ХХ столетия. Знаменитое Болеро стало визитной карточкой композитора. Помимо замечательных оркестровок Равель в своем творчестве великолепно использовал и возможности фортепиано. На диск вошли лучшие произведения композитора: «Болеро», «Павана на смерть инфанты», «Испанская рапсодия», «Отражения» и многие другие. Как дополнительный бонус на диске Вы найдете популярную оркестровку Равеля музыкального цикла «Картинки с выставки» Модеста Мусоргского и музыку Эрика Сати.

Фирма: РМГ Рекордс

Артикул: CDVP 3566085

Хит продаж
1 MP3
Под заказ
3999 руб.

Фирма: Нет даных

Артикул: CDVP 3530730

Хит продаж
20 CD
Под заказ
18449 руб.
The box comprises all (live) recordings made by Martha Argerich at the Lugano Festival, from 2002 to the last edition in 2016, and released by EMI Classics and Warner Classics. An impressive collection of 22CDs without equivalent. It includes a variety of genres: some solo piano music, lots of music for piano duo and among them many arrangements, chamber works and concertos.

Фирма: Warner Classics (Teldec, Erato, Finlandia, Lontano, Nonesuch, EMI, Virgin)

Артикул: CDVP 3506968

2 CD
Под заказ
7798 руб.
Technically Tharaud is unfazed by the terrors of ‘Scarbo’ or the ‘Toccata’ of Tombeau de Couperin. He also understands the importance of the regular dance rhythms that inform so much of this... — BBC Music Magazine, October 2018

Фирма: HMF Harmonia Mundi France

Артикул: CDVP 3504249

Хит продаж
7 CD
Под заказ
10393 руб.
This 7CD set is the fruit of the love affair that developed in Paris between Leonard Bernstein and the Orchestre National de France in the 1970s. Beside long-admired studio recordings, featuring Mstislav Rostropovich and Alexis Weissenberg among the soloists, it presents live performances completely new to the catalogue: a 1975 programme to celebrate Ravel’s centenary – with Bernstein himself as soloist in the G major piano concerto – and orchestral suites taken from two of Bernstein’s most celebrated and brilliant works, both infused with jazz: the film score On the Waterfront and the landmark Broadway musical West Side Story.

Фирма: Warner Classics (Teldec, Erato, Finlandia, Lontano, Nonesuch, EMI, Virgin)

Артикул: CDVP 3503823

Хит продаж
1 CD
Под заказ
8473 руб.
At the point of intersection between romanticism and modernism (Fauré); exotic accents, pastiches and neo-classicism (Tailleferre); a trio transformed into an orchestra and featuring the gentle rhythms of Basque dances (Ravel): these three trios, so close in time, all convey in very different ways the expression of the period they embody.

Фирма: Mirare

Артикул: CDVP 3483301

1 CD
Под заказ
5999 руб.
Who said waltz was frivolous? For this recording dedicated to the genre, Vassilis Varvaresos has concocted a program that shatters prejudices. Far from 18th Century ballroom dancing, the selected works are filled with sensuality, irony and strength. It is the fatal side of this musical whirlwind which is highlighted: Liszt and his diabolical waltz; Schumann and his chiaroscuro emotion; the sad elegance of Tchaikovsky; Scriabin and his lush sensuality; Rosenthal's ecstatic freedom on Johann Strauss's themes; and, on the ruins of the past, the poisonous darkness of Ravel's Valse. This swirling invitation is an ideal playground for the expressiveness and brilliant virtuosity of the Greek pianist, graduated from Julliard School and CNSM Paris, winner of George Enescu International Piano Competition in 2014 and Piano Masters Competition in 2015

Фирма: Aparte

Артикул: CDVP 3483169

Под заказ
4199 руб.

Фирма: Praga Digitals

Артикул: CDVP 3468083

Хит продаж
1 CD
Под заказ
5449 руб.
The instruments gathered by Les Siècles bring a delicious transparency, so that there is both greater distinctiveness in the instrumental colours and a more satisfying blend than tends to be... — BBC Music Magazine, June 2018

Фирма: HMF Harmonia Mundi France

Артикул: CDVP 3467397

1 CD
Под заказ
5999 руб.
Желание открывать что-то новое - ключевая тема в третьем альбоме на ECM сестер Наташи и Рафаэллы Гаццана

Фирма: ECM Records

Артикул: CDVP 3463032

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