2 миллиона музыкальных записей на Виниле, CD и DVD

Музыка и песни D'Aguanno Emanuele, tenor / Д'Агуанно Эмануэле, тенор

2 CD
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5999 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 058341

EAN: 8007144606558

Состав: 2 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2010

Лейбл: Dynamic

Исполнители: Cigna Patrizia, soprano / Чинья Патриция, сопрано  Martorana Maria Laura, soprano / Марторана Мария Лаура, сопрано  D'Aguanno Emanuele, tenor / Д'Агуанно Эмануэле, тенор Bove Rosa, mezzo / Бове Роза, меццо  Adam Krystian, tenor / Адам Кристиан, тенор  Romano Marco Filippo, baritone / Романо Марко Филиппо, баритон 

Композиторы: Salieri, Antonio / Сальери Антонио 

Дирижеры: Sardelli Federico Maria / Сарделли Федерико Мария 

Жанры: Опера, интермедия, серената 

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1 CD
Под заказ
5999 руб.

Артикул: CDVP 3186568

EAN: 0845221030050

Состав: 1 CD

Состояние: Новое. Заводская упаковка.

Дата релиза: 01-01-2016

Лейбл: Capriccio

Исполнители: Spencer Charles, piano / Спенсер Чарлз, фортепиано  D'Aguanno Emanuele, tenor / Д'Агуанно Эмануэле, тенор

Композиторы: Bellini, Vincenzo Salvatore Carmelo Francesco / Беллини Винченцо Сальваторе Кармело Франческо  Rossini, Gioachino Antonio / Россини Джоаккино Антонио  Donizetti, Domenico Gaetano Maria / Доницетти Доменико Гаэтано Мариа 

Жанры: Песни / Романсы 

3 CD
Под заказ
5999 руб.
In its day La scuola de’ gelosi (1778) was one of the best-known comic operas by Antonio Salieri (1750–1825), remaining a box-office hit for decades. All the more astonishing is the fact that it could sink into obscurity. Even Goethe was excited by this masterpiece: “The opera is the audience’s favourite, and the audience is right. It contains an astonishing richness and variety, and the subject is treated with the most exquisite taste. I was moved by every aria.” In the wake of its world premiere in Venice in 1778, La scuola de’ gelosi was performed in opera houses all over Europe, from Dresden, Vienna, Prague and Paris to cities as far away as London and St Petersburg, before it passed into near-oblivion. Not until well over two centuries later did Werner Ehrhardt and his ensemble, l’arte del mondo, rediscover this musical treasure. Their world-premiere recording affords impressive proof of Salieri’s abilities and explores his shrewd delineation of character, whereby jealousy repeatedly rears its head in ever-new guises.
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